Vertigo is a symptom that causes a person to experience a sudden sensation of spinning dizziness.
In severe conditions, vertigo symptoms can interfere with daily activities. Because vertigo can cause loss of balance and disorientation. Vertigo attacks can even cause sufferers to fall.
When vertigo attacks, the things you feel can vary, such as light dizziness and appearing periodically. Severe vertigo attacks usually have a long duration and can last for several days so that the sufferer cannot carry out normal activities.
In mild conditions it may not be felt much and in severe cases it can hinder your daily routine.
The following are the types of vertigo:
1. Vertigo Perifer
Peripheral vertigo is a type of vertigo caused by disturbances in the hearing organ or inner ear which regulates body balance. The duration of peripheral vertigo symptoms tends to come and go quickly.
Peripheral Vertigo Symptoms
Common symptoms of peripheral vertigo are nausea, vomiting and excessive sweating. There are several specific symptoms of peripheral vertigo according to a person's condition, namely :
- If there is an infection or disease in the inner ear, you will feel pain in that area.
- In labyrinthitis and Meniere's disease, you experience hearing loss and tinnitus (ringing in the ears) in one or both ears along with vertigo.
- Eyes that move uncontrollably, but can disappear when you try to focus on looking at one point.
2. Vertigo Sentral
Central Vertigo, is a type of vertigo which is generally caused by disorders in the brain. However, just like other types of vertigo, central vertigo has general symptoms in the form of dizziness and a feeling of spinning. Treatment also needs to be done immediately to prevent complications that could occur.
Central Vertigo Symptoms
Peripheral vertigo can disappear in a short time. On the other hand, central vertigo often appears without showing symptoms in the sufferer's body. Central vertigo can last for a long time and cause more intense pain than peripheral vertigo.
A common symptom that occurs in people with central vertigo is that you cannot stand or walk without help. Apart from that, you also experience eye symptoms that cannot be controlled for a longer time, usually lasting up to months. Headaches and difficulty swallowing food are also common in people with central vertigo.
Vertigo Prevention
To help relieve vertigo and prevent it from recurring, here are some vertigo taboos that need to be avoided :
- Moving your head suddenly. One of the taboos for vertigo that needs to be avoided is moving your head suddenly too often, such as turning your head, looking up or looking down. This movement can cause the brain and inner ear to become sensitive, thus triggering vertigo.
- Changing body position too quickly. The habit of changing position too quickly, such as from lying down straight to standing or sitting then standing, can trigger low blood pressure (orthostatic hypotension). This can trigger a recurrence of vertigo. Therefore, if you often experience vertigo, especially after getting up from a lying position too quickly, avoid this vertigo taboo. When you wake up or after lying down, try sitting for about 5-10 minutes. After that, stand up slowly so that your blood pressure remains stable.
- Consume foods high in salt. Adults need a salt intake of around 5 grams per day or the equivalent of 1 teaspoon. Excessive salt intake can trigger a fluid imbalance in the body, thereby risking causing vertigo. To prevent vertigo, limit consumption of foods high in salt, such as fast food, dairy products, light snacks, canned foods and instant cereal. Apart from that, when you cook, avoid using excessive salt or MSG.
- Consuming foods high in sugar. Sugar is the body's main source of energy but can also cause vertigo when consumed in excess. This is because foods high in sugar can increase fluid pressure in the ear, causing vertigo. In order to reduce the risk of developing vertigo, you are advised to limit your intake of vertigo restrictions to around 50 grams per day or the equivalent of 4 tablespoons. Instead, choose energy sources in the form of complex carbohydrates that come from nuts, seeds, potatoes and vegetables.
- Consuming caffeine. Consuming excessive caffeine can also increase the risk of vertigo. Caffeine is a diuretic so it can cause dehydration and worsen vertigo symptoms. Apart from that, this vertigo abstinence can also make blood pressure low and cause the head to feel spinning. Therefore, limit caffeinated foods or drinks, such as coffee, green tea, soda, cereal and chocolate, so that they do not exceed 400 milligrams per day.
- Consuming alcohol. Frequently consuming alcohol is also one of the taboos for vertigo. This is because alcohol can disrupt the balance of body fluids and cause dehydration. Both conditions can cause complaints in the form of vertigo.
- Smoking. Research shows that smokers are more susceptible to experiencing vertigo. The severity of vertigo also increases with the increase in the number of cigarettes smoked or the duration of smoking. This is because the chemicals in cigarettes can damage the blood vessels in the inner ear, which play a role in body balance. As a result, these blood vessels become inflamed and cause vertigo.
- Often eat late. Late meals cause the body to lack sugar, which is the main source of energy for the body. When the body lacks sugar or energy, it will be difficult for the brain to work properly, so complaints of dizziness, headaches, weakness and vertigo can recur more easily.
Therefore, avoid this vertigo taboo. You are advised to eat regularly. Outside of meal times, you can snack on healthy foods, such as fruit or nuts, to increase your energy intake.
The various vertigo restrictions above should be avoided to prevent this complaint from recurring. Apart from that, you are also advised to consume 8 glasses of water per day, have sufficient vitamin D intake of 15-20 micrograms per day, and do light exercise, such as walking, to prevent frequent recurrences of vertigo.
If you have implemented various vertigo restrictions but the complaints do not go away and are accompanied by chest pain, difficulty walking, fever, weakness in the arms or legs, and unbearable headaches, consult a doctor to get appropriate treatment.
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